All Hands on Deck!

by Stephen J Spykerman

When a ship sailing on the high seas, be it an ocean liner or a medium sized sailing yacht, when the captain, in the advance of a looming storm senses great danger, he will call for “All Hands on Deck!”  The captain will only  give the ominous call for “All hands on deck,” when the ship is in imminent danger of being smashed onto the rocks, and sinking. In fact, his next order could possibly be to “ABANDON SHIP!”

Messiah Yeshua, our Captain, is calling “All Hands on Deck” right now for His entire crew to be on special guard duty, as frightful danger and treacherous waters lie immediately ahead of His nation and people.

After four elections, the Israeli electorate have firmly rejected their rock, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, after his 12 years at the helm. He has been replaced by a precarious coalition that lacks coherence and leadership. Whereas Netanyahu was at all times focused on the dangers of a nuclear Iran, the new government appears hardly concerned about this threat.  President Trump toasted the Iran nuke deal, and in the absence of those accords, Iran has been madly spinning centrifuges and taking steps toward becoming a nuclear nation. 

When we couple this with the exit of all U.S. and allied NATO forces from Afghanistan, as well as the withdrawal of American forces in the entire Mediterranean area, things are looking rather precarious for the nation of Israel.

In the news this week, Israeli Jets Struck Inside Syria for the second time this week

Then there is the extremely lukewarm approach from the Biden administration, who appear to be influenced by the anti-Israel & pro-Iran philosophy of the former Obama regime. Things are all of a sudden looking very bad for the Jewish state, and if they were attacked right now, they could not expect any help from their powerful Western allies. Seldom has their position looked so lonely.

All of this and we have not even talked about the unprecedented global rise of anti-Semitism, which is breaking world records each year. It is incredible how quickly everything has changed! Remember the saying; “Nature abhors a vacuum?” Well, when we connect all of the above factors, a massive hiatus has suddenly appeared in the Middle East that makes the State of Israel extremely vulnerable.

Whenever Israel’s enemies decide to strike the existential final blow, they plan to inflict, Israel will have to face it all on her own, as no one will lift a finger to help her. To confirm the fact; we have just learned that both US and EU leaders have joined North Korea in welcoming a Mass Murderer to become the President of Iran.  Dr.Ebrahim Raisi, [infamously known as the Butcher of Tehran], is now just a heartbeat away from becoming Iran’s Supreme Leader, and is scheduled to take the reins of power in August. This is extremely bad news for Israel.”

This is where you come in: We urgently need "All Hands on Deck!"

As of right now, all Intercessors for Israel are called up to go to their divinely assigned prayer stations – closets!

Times are urgent! Let’s go and look at the Horsemen of the Apocalypse:


“And I looked, and behold, a white horse, He who sat on it had a bow and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.”

Here is an insight:  the Greek word for BOW is actually TOXON, which evolved from Greek archers using poison on the tips of their arrows. The word CORONA in Corona Virus means CROWN in Latin. The corona virus gets its name from the crown-like spike proteins that it has all over its surface.  What if the scripture was translated as follows?

“And I looked, and behold, a white horse, he who sat on it had a TOXIN, and a CROWN/ Corona was given him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer!”

Natural News reported that there was a huge spike in Coronavirus vaccine related deaths. The CDC claimed this was a “mistake” as they deleted thousands of records of these deaths from their database.  The CDC said VAERS, the passive reporting system received 12,313 reports of vaccine-related deaths, a sharp increase from the previous number of 6,079.

“The new figure means CDC has now received more reports of deaths following COVID-19 vaccination than all other vaccines combined in the 30-year history of vaccines,” stated investigative journalist Alex Berenson.

An interesting Note: The untried and untested experimental Covid 19 shots are administered by a sharp miniature steel arrow that is tipped with toxic poison.  Look how the Covid-19 pandemic has gone out conquering and it has conquered the whole world, and, as we speak, it is still doing so at a furious pace!

What does it mean? This gives pause for thought, does it not? 

The world has suffered dearly with the judgment of the first horseman with the release of the COVID-19 global pandemic.

What comes next? Let us turn our attention now to the second horseman.  Soon it will be time for the fiery red horseman to ride… and he brings War!

Second Horseman: War is on the Horizon!

Revelation 6:3

“When he opened the second seal, “I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and See.”

Revelation 6:4 

“Another horse, fiery red, went out, and it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given him a great sword.”

The verse above tells us that WAR is next on the agenda. What are the signs of war that we see on the horizon? Iran has been feverishly working on their nuclear weapons program  while the whole world has been sleepily looking on.  The Mullahs of Iran have never made any attempt to hide the purpose for those weapons. All along they have been quite clear about their intent to destroy the Jewish State of Israel.

Iran leaders have often used rhetoric that they plan to “wipe Israel off the map”. In March of 2021, Iran’s Defense Minister renewed threats against Israel, saying that Iran will “reduce Tel Aviv and Haifa to rubble if Israel crosses the line.”

They are likely to start with a nuclear strike on Tel Aviv, the largest city in the State of Israel. This Mideast war is likely to be the flashpoint in spreading war to all the other Western nations on the earth.


This is a most urgent warning to all intercessors for Israel. We are in a life and death battle against the powers of evil. The nuclear strike on Tel Aviv will not only claim hundreds of thousands of lives, but it will also disable most of Israel’s vital defence industries, which are located within the greater environs of the city. At the same time Israel will be hit by a coordinated barrage of missiles from Iran’s terror-sponsored states, including Syria, Hamas in Gaza, and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

A recent news article reports that the Hezbollah terror organization  has between 130-150 thousand rockets and missiles capable of hitting any point in Israel, at a rate of ten thousand launches a week.

These missile strikes will come in such great numbers, and with such rapidity that they will likely overwhelm Israel’s anti-missile defences.

The Israeli nuclear counterstrike will be aimed at Damascus. She will have no choice but to use her “Samson” option. The Samson Option is the name that military analysts have given to Israel’s hypothetical deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a “last resort” against nations whose military attacks threaten its existence.

In short, after Tel Aviv is “made into rubble” by Iran and her proxies, Israel will respond by nuking Damascus, thus fulfilling Isaiah 17:1

“The burden against Damascus.” “Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap.”

The Prophet Amos is the Second Witness to the imminent future destruction of Damascus, as it is written in Amos 1:3-5:

For three transgressions of Damascus, and for four, I will not turn away its punishment, because they have threshed Gilead with implements of iron. But I will send a fire into the house of Hazael, which shall devour the palaces of BenHadad. I will also break the gate bar of Damascus and cut off the inhabitant from the valley of Aven, and the one who holds the sceptre from Beth Eden. The people of Syria shall go captive to Kir, says the LORD.


What are the three transgressions of Damascus?

  1. She participated together with her Arab neighbours in the invasion of Israel in 1948 in her war of independence.
  2. She participated together with her Arab neighbours in the Six Day War by invading the sovereign territory of the land of Israel.
  3. She participated together with her Arab neighbours in the 1973 Yom Kippur War by invading the sovereign territory of the land of Israel.


Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets
. Amos 3:7

In this verse, we are given the promise that the elect will be shown in advance the unveiling of events at the end times. It is powerful and comforting to know that when these events come upon all flesh, God will already have told us that they are coming so that we can be prepared. Yeshua tells us on two separate occasions WHY He tells us in advance;

“Now I tell you before it come, that when it is come to pass, you may believe that I am He.”  John 13:19

“And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, you might believe.”  John 14:29

As followers of Messiah Yeshua, we need to be aware that there will come a day that each one of us will give an accounting for all of the admonitions we have received. This applies not only to the audible words or messages we have received during our walk, but it applies also to all the messages we have read and taken in with our eyes.

This means that, when you get an urgent “ALL HANDS ON DECK” alarm call, like this one, each of us will give an account to the Almighty as to how we have responded to this urgent call to action.

“So, then each of us shall give account of himself to God.” Hebrews 14:12

They will give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.” 1 Peter 4:5

May we all respond to the call, task and assignment from our Messiah:

Prayer Targets

  • Pray into Ezekiel 33:6-7 ~ Abba, we pray for an overwhelming response to this urgent call for all of your intercessors to assemble in their prayer closets to powerfully intercede on behalf of our Jewish brothers and sisters living in Israel.
  • Pray into Psalm 13:5-6 ~ Holy One of Israel, Creator of the Universe, we ask for mercy for all those living in Tel Aviv who have been set apart by You. Spare your remnant people in Israel Abba!
  • Pray into Psalm 91:1-2 ~ Father of Israel, we pray that prior to this calamity, may you call many more to Yourself. May they be hidden in you, protected in you and sheltered under your mighty wings!
  • Pray into 2 Chronicles 10:15 ~ Beloved Abba, we request that you limit the damage the enemy is permitted to cause to your nation, and that many enemy missiles will be duds, will misfire, and will go astray. The Battle is yours, O Yahweh!

  • Pray into Isaiah 30:15 ~ Above all Abba, we pray that this cataclysmic event will bring wholesale repentance to your nation, both within the land and outside of the land of Israel.
All Hands on Deck!
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