SEE God’s Hut Among Men!

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Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

by Anavah
It was late, around 11 p.m. I had Psalm 119 in reading mode and tried to attune myself to it in prayer. But it didn’t work at all, so I said to God, “This is anything but a prayer. I can’t find access through the psalm today. So I turn off the psalm now and listen to your voice in silence. But if you want to tell us something today, then you have to hurry, because I will soon fall asleep. “

And in the first moment of silence my mind was suddenly wide awake, because I saw a picture from a bird’s eye view and heard a sentence, with the emphasis clearly on the first word in the sentence.

The picture showed in a neutral landscape, at dusk a simple, round hut in light brown tones. Around this hut stood six or seven smaller round huts of the same kind.

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Neither of the huts had windows or doors, nor could I see any. And yet from the large hut in the middle of the picture, through warm walls and roof, a warm, rich, calm, orange-yellow light radiated outwards and filled the small huts all around with the same light, so that they also were also filled with the same soft light shining forth to the outside.

The whole picture exuded a deep calm, security and serenity! It made me feel like “everything” was there, although there was nothing else to be seen!

At the same time I heard: “SEE God’s hut among men!”

During the night I heard this sentence again and again, whether in sleep, half awake, or completely awake.

SEE God’s Hut Among Men!
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